- Weight - 175.6 lbs *down 5.6 lbs!
- Hips - 38.5" *down 1.0"
- Waist - 33" *down 2.0"
- Belly - 36.25" *down 2.25"
- Chest - 37.5" *down 1.5"
- Arm - 12.75" *down 0.5" each - so 1.0" total
- Thigh - 26.5" *down 0.5" each - so 1.0" total
So a total of 5.6 pounds and a total of 8.75 inches in only 4 weeks! Celebrate!! Lots more to go, but I'm happy with my 4 week success. I need to learn how to reward myself that doesn't involve food either - because naturally I step on the scale, see the loss, and my first thought? McDonalds for dinner??! I need someone around in times like that to just knock some sense into me. Hehe.......I didn't get McDonalds :)
83 day till Triathlon!!
Only 8 more days until I'm wearing a bathing suit in Dominican Republic!! Wohoo!
Congrats! How about a new piece of jewelry to celebrate???