Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week 3, Day 12

If ever there was a workout that would make me utter the words "I can't feel my legs," today's was that kind. "I can't feel my legs" turned quickly into "ouch, ouch, i don't want to feel my legs." We biked for about an hour and then ran for 15 minutes. I made it about a half mile before I had to walk for a break. Then.....this is where I got perhaps overly ambitious.....Back to Abs class? Sure! It's a 25 minute ab/back class at the gym. I was only able to do about 30% of what they did and even then I had to do the "modified" versions of everything.....and afterwards, you would have thought I just gained the use of my legs by the way I "gracefully" stood up. So now, it's "ouch ouch" over my whole body. But I know that just means I did something good for myself and when I weigh and measure myself in 2 weeks, I'll hopefully see results because of it!

So besides running a sprint and losing weight (used generally, I guess I don't have a set goal for weight loss)....I want to tack on another goal to this journey. There are 2 pairs of pants in my closet that currently have a purpose of gathering dust, rather than covering my rear end. One is a pair of jeans that I love and I would love to fit in again (I haven't fit in them in 3 years....am I asking too much here??). The other is a pair of dress pants that I bought and they fit EXACTLY. I wouldn't have been able to fit a penny in the pocket - I'm talking, exactly fit. I wore them once about a year and a half ago and then I ate an apple (ok ok....it was probably a candy bar) and never fit in them again. That one day I wore them I looked good though! HA! I can currently fit in them and practically button and zip them - it's just NOT a pretty site. I'm setting myself to try these on April 24th - the day before the traithlon and we'll see how it works!

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